Mission Vision Values


The corporate priorities identified for the next 5 years include:

  1. Growing CP’s Counseling Department
    • Consider community needs and trends and fill the gap to “help the helpers”
    • Develop multiple revenue streams including contracts and MOUs with government and human service agencies, grants, individuals
  2.  Considering our Facility; we have assessed the aging facility’s physical site and capacity to operate programs and determined the need for renovations and expanded space
    • Begin expansion project in 2025
    • Continue to assess and improve school safety measures for current and future facility
  3. Maintaining and growing Community Partnerships to carefully and incrementally grow our programs and community impact
    • Partner with community agencies to provide services
    • Assess and improve programs offered to both school systems
  4. Expanding Center Point’s Resource Development; we will work a framework of multi-stream fundraising to include
    • Board giving
    • Board participation in fund development
    • Nurturing of donors
    • Signature event – Over the Edge in April 2025
  5. Marketing efforts will be increased
    • Website
    • Social Media
    • Print Material
    • Overall branding
    As part of our ongoing commitment to Center Point and our community, we will:
    **Engage in continual assessment of best practices in policies, procedures and oversight of operations and governance
    **Carefully and incrementally increase programming and commitments to our community partners

Mission Statement:
Center Point partners with schools and community organizations to inspire growth, support well-being, and empower brighter futures.

Vision Statement:
Center Point’s vision is to create a community where all students and families have the educational and mental health resources they need to be successful.

Commitment to Others: Our relationships matter
Dedication to Excellence: The work we do is meaningful
Responsive Engagement: We are reliable